Holistic Junkie!!

Well my journey started about nine years ago after I became very ill.  Having my third child Logan, I suffered with severe vertigo, allergies, gut issues, weight gain and extreme fatigue.  I did what anyone would do and went to the doctor, after numerous tests and many prescription there was no clear answer as to what was wrong with me.  I was told "The medical model has failed you and we can't help"  So it began, with a divine meeting I was introduced to a local Chiropractor in Battle Creek (our home town) and as I look back at the changes in my life I'm forever grateful to Dr. Mark and Missy for their guidance as we would not be where we are today if it was not for them!

So fast forward to today, my allergies are gone, no more vertigo, I'm 100lbs lighter, and my gut is healed....  What seems impossible became very possible!
This launched me into another field of interest....  Herbs and essential oils.  
My second son Montana was dealing with severe eczema on his knees and again, dealing with creams, and ointments I decided it was time to make my own salve.  So I did!  Today one and half years later he is eczema free.....  Sometimes it takes a leap of Faith and patience to let the body heal.....

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